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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Rugmaker Conflict Essay free essay sample

War has always been the background to my life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and it’s surely helped to form the way I thought about things†. How does this conflict shape life? Body paragraph | Explanation | Introduction | Focus on other body paragraphs- political conflict in paragraph 1 (asylum seekers)- weave in people smuggling. Body paragraph 2- war: armed (rocket scare when Gorgalli was killed and others injured) body paragraph 3- war in Afghanistan family motion (family/familial ) | Body paragraph 1| Political spectrum- project the idea of civilians seeking asylum due to war stricken countries and problems that arise due to war and political corruption. Relate to the extract (quote) by examining and producing how Najaf sought asylum himself due to problems with the Taliban and people smuggling. | Body paragraph 2| War: armed. Mention how the country Najaf lived in was that horrific and violent and at any moment you could be struck down. Talk of horror and the long term effects of losing a family member because of a country that was unable to stabilize itself. We will write a custom essay sample on Rugmaker Conflict Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page | Body paragraph 3| Family/familial- the wars in Afghanistan between the US and the Soviets was over safety yet it only destroyed safety. Project family structure and how it adapts depending on the situation. â€Å"I work hard too but you don’t hear me crying about it†. | Conclusion | No quotes only statements. Reflect everything previously mentioned and establish the outline of my essay. | Najaf Mazari has been moulded by his war stricken life. His opinions and daily views are shaped by his once violent life in Afghanistan. People can be shaped and changed by a life filled with conflict. Different conflicts have constructed Najaf’s personality such as political conflict and family conflict. The world conflict might prompt us to think of images of warfare, struggle, tears and despair. The tension on the UN security council over Iran’s nuclear program, the ongoing war in Afghanistan and the plight of asylum seekers. These are the conflicts that dominate news headlines and the pages of our newspapers. However, there is another side to times and hardship; lessons learned the triumphs against all odds and the inner resilience people can build in response to the periods of hardship and that inevitably a part of our lives. It is through times of adversity and conflict that we find inner strength and ourselves. Personalities are moulded and become real. Asylum seekers are a main political conflict that can change the face of lives. Najaf Mazari â€Å"jumped the queue† and travelled illegally on a boat that was overcrowded, not safe and full of individuals seeking refuge in Australia. As demonstrated in the autobiographical novel Rugmaker, Najaf experiences things differently in Australia than natives who were born here. He has to try to fit into a society that is completely opposite to his home. His home was plagued with death, war and conflict within families and political leaders. The United States and The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan during the reign of the Taliban. The Soviet Union failed, yet the United States overthrew the power of the torturous empire. Najaf experienced firsthand the wrath of the Taliban. He was captured and tortured in order for the Taliban to gain knowledge on someone. Najaf was shaped and changed during this time. He learnt the ability of adaptation and had to apply it to many conflicts that occurred during his adventure from Afghanistan to Australia. Woomera camp is a political camp in which Najaf was processed in. Here he learnt the political structure and differences of Australia. The experience of refuges and asylum seekers is perfectly highlights that personalities and conflict come from times of pain and suffering. Najaf Mazari, a refugee from Afghanistan, travelled to Australia in the 1990s in search of a new home far from the warring mujahedeen and Soviet Union soldiers in his home town of Mazar-e-Sharif. Najaf’s travels took him through the war ravaged Pakistan, the limbo of Indonesia and the horror of Woomera Detention Centre. For over a year Najaf’s resilience was testes as he tried to maintain his sanity behind the barbed wire of the ‘November’ unit. Although the time period in which this happened was torturous, it shaped Najaf as a person and has inflicted events on him that he did not want to conceive. Rather than break his resolve Najaf’s desire to settle in a place of peace ‘where bombs do not fly overhead’ became even stronger. Najaf’s desire to be re-united with his family consumed his every thought and helped him stay strong despite the uncertainty of his visa application. Without a visa Najaf knew he would be sent home. This is why he feared breaking the rules and became a team player. Najaf has become an artwork- he is moulded by every experience he has and is tested at every corner he walks by. Each event in his life moulds something into the sculpture that is Najaf and if an event is too strong, the sculpture may break. But it is always up to Najaf to make the sculpture beautiful again. Najaf’s experience on the political side of conflict whilst seeking asylum highlighted what was most important in his life, peace, freedom and family.

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