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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Newspaper Comparison - 4554 Words

Newspaper Comparison Todays society is in many respects dominated by the media. Newspapers, books, television, radio and the Internet not only play significant role in an average persons life but are also multi-billion pound industries that, through the public exposure they are subject to, carry great influence. One of the oldest media formats still in use is the newspaper. This old printed format carries great political power and boasts huge readerships, partly due to its cheap price, never exceeding a few pounds an issue, and its portability. Throughout the decades during which Newspapers have developed, two main styles of writing and presentation in newspapers have emerged: Tabloid and†¦show more content†¦However, tabloids are generally considered to be the more sensationalist, emotionally concerned and subjective newspapers containing more pictures and easy to read text (such as the Sun and the Mirror). Typically, Many Tabloid only require a reading age of 9, thus allowing them to be readily understood by the less well-educated and intellectual members of the public. Clearly, the properties of these formats can be seen as direct opposites. However they do share some similarities. An obvious common property of all newspapers is that they are commercial, that is, that they will try to appeal to a large a readership as possible, within their market niche readership and this is reflected in their range of content and style. Some newspapers try to appeal to more people by mixing elements of tabloids and broadshe ets (such as the Daily Mail and the Daily Express), although the large tabloid and broadsheet newspapers tend to follow the traditional stereotypical styles for their type. The other key similarity between each type of newspaper is that they all exist to report the news and current affairs, differing only in the way in which they present and portray news stories which is also dependent on the preference of their readership. However, their priorities regarding what stories are newsworthy differShow MoreRelatedA Comparison of Newspapers510 Words   |  3 PagesA Comparison of Newspapers There are two main types of newspapers, tabloids and broadsheets. The tabloid focuses on people and often reports on celebrities. Some types of tabloids include The People, Daily Star, The Mirror, The Sun, News of The World and Daily Sport. Tabloid papers are usually readRead MoreA Comparison of Two Newspapers758 Words   |  4 PagesA Comparison of Two Newspapers The Sun and the Guardian are very different newspapers, even at a first glance you can see that they are created for different purposes. 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