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Kerry James Marshall - Better Homes Better Gardens Essay

Kerry James Marshall - Better Homes Better Gardens - Essay Example The exposition Kerry James Marshall - Better Homes Better Gardens inve...

Friday, September 13, 2019

Ritz Carlton's Gold Standarts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Ritz Carlton's Gold Standarts - Essay Example The experience of the Ritz-Carton livens up the quests’ the, instills their well being as well as fulfilling their pent-up wishes and needs (Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, 2015). The motto of the Ritz Carlton states that â€Å"we are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen† this summarizes the Ritz Carlton motivation. It demonstrates the preventative service that the staff offers. Steps of service- the hotel staff use three service steps which ensure smooth interaction with quests making them feel happy and cared for and important. These include a warm as well a sincere greeting using the name of the quest, anticipation and fulfilling of the needs of the quests, and a tender farewell. The service values of Ritz Carlton Hotel Company describe the behaviors of everyone in the Hotel Company. They comprise of the following: building a strong relations as well as creating the company guests for life, responding to guests requirements anticipated as well as expressed, empowered to come up with unique, memorable as well as personal knowledge for quests, understanding of one’s’ role in the achievement of the main factors embracing footprints of the community as well as creating the hotel company Mystique, among other values (Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, 2015). The 6th diamond includes the mystique, emotional engagement as well as functional. The employees promise which is the last component states that ladies and gentlemen of the hotel company are the most essential resource in the hotel’s commitment to its guests. Through the application of respect, honesty, commitment, and trust principles, the hotel company nature as talent for the company’s and all individuals’ benefit (Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, 2015).

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